Sunday 13 February 2011

"By gove", have we got it?

Whilst at training, one minute I am thinking and appreciating how well the retraining of Rivi's AF has progressed.  Then brought back down to earth with a 'bump'  as Rivi's DW contact was commented on!!! I was really embarrassed. I don't know why, as it was given in a constructive way and meant well. But what it did do? - thanked them for their feedback as it enabled me to go away and think.  It occurred to me:-

That with the snow and flu, I had simply not thought about the DW. Rivi was quite rightly was offering her down TOTO on the DW as I had not explained to her the change, indeed I had not even thought about it.

So three times last week I used a step in the house to allow Rivi to offer the stand TOTO, then today I transferred it to a plank. (I'm lucky to have a single step, as it seems to look very awkward when done over more than this.)  This to me was stage 1 and 2 and "by gove" we got it.  Then Stage 3 - within 2 sessions of 10 minutes, Rivi was offering me the stand TOTO, even when doing the plank at a run :-)

Then this week at training, she offered it on the DW - yahooooo!!!  And Zev benefited from the refresher. Reinforcing basics - fun and just as vital as me needing to keep 'raising my game'.

As for the RunCon I have not resolved them in my mind from several perspectives including behavioural, physical, ethical and a coaching point of view.  I luv'd this post about contacts Agility - The Chaos Theory as I very much mixed feelings about them and won't do what I consider to be over training.

Trying out RunCons, has been a good learning experience and Rivi has taught me so much about being creative, focused and keeping moving forward. For me it is great that I have found a solution, that most importantly means my Rivi is flourishing. She happy I happy - end of :-)

So "By gove", have we got it?

1 comment:

  1. Erm... well Agility - The Chaos Theory here... very honoured that you read my post and like people that also think about these things. I am really hoping that there are people out there that can give me some solid feedback on that. Nice to read this! Alett
