Monday 15 December 2008

Christmas is A - coming.......

Yesterday we put up the Christmas Tree, tiz only little but it was brought for us, when we first started to live together, and we do not see the need to change it. So it is well over 15 years old, and I guess that is our sustainable contribution, if it is good and lasts we will use it as long as we can. I made the mat for it with embroidered holly leaves and berries, and ribbon edging. Each year we get them out, hoping that they will be ok to use for another year. I love arranging the decorations, and seeing the lights a-twinkling. I hope I never grow out of that, that sense of Chrismassyness (not sure if that is a real word!) and a warm glow of the excitement of a special holiday break to come. For years we did the family trips, now we hole up together and make it a special together time, giving Marc a chance to recharge his batteries and have extra quality time. The other special thing this year is that it will be Zev and Big's first Christmas with us. It will be fun to wrap their presents and give them for the first time. Zev, was fascinated by the whole ritual and then he did the cutest pose, just as we were about to take a photo. Nuts is really clever at unwrapping, and gets real excited. He checks the parcels under the tree on Christmas morning and then trots back to me, waiting for permission to get his present. Yep, Christmas is a-coming.............

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