I have been doing gym since Nuts made it to Advance status, as I thought I needed to shift up a gear. And having reached a certain age it is a battle of the body wanting to go south and me wanting it to stay north. Those that know me, know I was designed to sit on sofas, eating grapes and chocolate, drinking wine and watching hopelessly happy ending 'rom-coms'. So this has been something of a mind shift for me, and even with Nuts retiring I kept going as Rivioli joined us (TY, LO) and I was spurned on and keeping motivated. Recently they upgraded the equipment at the gym, and there in the front row of cardiovasular workout thingys, was the Precor AMT (Adaptive Motion Trainer). I decided to brave it this week, and "oh blimey, oh riley" it was so true what the instructor said - "next level up from cross trainers".
Cross trainers I can merrily pump away - yes that is right - merrily at resistance levels 8-10. On the AMT level 1 Resistance gives you a work out like never before and the beauty of it is there is minimal impact and that you can do proper running strides. It has a stride o' meter to measure your stride length. My body is tired, I don't think in all my years of trying to be fit, my face has ever been so red, it was still reddish at work, 'oh, you look a little flushed'. You bet I am, as I am 'creamy crackered' with a bemused smile on my face, excited of the new fitness level I will reach in a few months time. What a brilliant fitness trainer. The scary and exciting thing with this machine is that it has 20 resistance levels and currently level 1 blows me away . And why is it the dogs fault? Nuts already mentioned, then Rivi the past two weeks of training, I have released the throttle and she is moving so fast and doing the poles so damn quick I could not over take her whilst she did the poles! So on the one hand how shocking and brilliant is my Babyoli, on the other f--k, f--k, f--k (al-la' Four Weddings & a Funeral) I need to move up a gear pronto :-0)! ha ha, goal posts keep on moving and i'm loving it...