Saturday only running Zev was odd, and we only had one clear. The other run he was going clear but the release on the dog walk was not optimum so I asked the judge if we could do it again. And the judge kindly agreed. What a nice understanding judge :-) I keep throwing runs when I should be collecting points!
Then the tryouts loomed, what can I say, me and Zev had some uncharacteristic blips, which no matter as I was only taking him for the experience of trying out. Zev was so good with all the hanging around and me having butterflies of excitement. I was so proud of him. He is just such a nice dog to have at your side.
For the first time ever, I have gone to the tryouts and achieved no points. Blinking heck...but hey the next time we go the only way is up as you cannot achieve minus points!!!! It was like being in the Eurovision song contest. I think this was disappointing in terms of that but in terms of running Zev I had a lovely time and he is such a babe, and his stamina was awesome. Whilst I was very careful due to the heat and other factors when we returned to our camp, he was like "yeah, time to have a riot" and I had to say "hey Zev your human is wilting",
The bonus was watching some great teams, including Zev's momma Zen and Bernadette qualifying again. Way cool :-) and congratulations to all that qualified.
P.s Mr Big had some great runs at the show and next week has his first grade 6 show and Zev has his first champ class. And hopefully, Rivi will only be out of action for another two weeks as she is BORED...but being a real darling and has not even taken the bandage off, which considering her one of her nicknames is 'princess pea' this is a relief.
It's been so long!!
1 year ago