Yes, the weather cleared for Friday. First was a visit to AS, who is a brilliant animal physio. I was taking Rivi & Zev for a routine check up. It is really humbling watching her communication through touch and talk with my guys. The level of trust is really awesome to see. Zev's little face by the finish was so dreamy and relaxed, the little tension in his shoulders eased. This has been caused by Zev, having a crazy brainwave that in his impatience to get down the stairs he should launch off mid way and land with a splat. Blimey did that cause me a major worry. And since then we do the stairs by lead or carry. Fortunately there was no apparent injuries, but I thought there was no way he could come away from that without there being some effect, but thankfully the tension was small, so no need for follow up. But when he is a year old and starts agility he will go pre and post agility season for checks and proper massage. Rivi, who is a tad more sensible just enjoyed the massage. This meant no walk for Zev, so we lunched took him back to Carolines and left Rivi with him to doggy sit, whilst we walked the forest. Then after spending more time with the guys it was off to see Mama Mia, which was absolutely fabulous an emotional mix of joy and tugging at the heart strings. Neil kindly dog sat for us, and we were cracked up, as Zev apparently was humping Neil's leg for part of the evening. Gosh I could not help it, it was so funny, I laughed till I cried.
It's been so long!!
11 months ago