Great girlie time last weekend, started with going to see Marley & Me with Caroline, laughed so much at the send up of a dog trainer, smiled at the journey through life and then had tears streaming down my face for the last 15 minutes. What a doh moment when arranging to see that film, of course it is about his whole life!!!!! Still well worth seeing, on par with (and yes showing my age, ‘Old Yeller’ ‘101 Dalmatians, ‘Lady and the Tramp’ and ‘Escape From the Dark’) I know, I know it is only make believe.
The next day we hired LO’s fabulous shed Caroline kindly filmed a short bit of training. The trouble with not having access to my own full set of equipment and then at the mercy of the weather is that my guys and I have to sometimes grab the opportunity to do something. I end up in a bit of a rush. It is all very well saying infinite patience produces greatness. Who said it must have had all the time in the week and/or access to what ever they needed when ever they wanted hmmmm. So there was the a-frame, was it time to set Zev loose on it. It totally was - the Zev is fab, despite the crappiest attempt at training he still got the basics within two five minutes sessions, of which most is playing tuggy. Thank you, Zev. Rivi was just lovely. And the fun with Caroline it is about ‘showing off the guys’, enjoying and celebrating achievements, as well as some good natured ribbing. I guess you could say the trust is there and we just get where each other are coming from. The initial a-frame with Zev was a crack-up; I guess you had to be there ;-)
Then lunch, then a nice walk at Canada Common, then pre season agility check for Rivi and a check for Zev, as I was concerned he might be ‘out of line’ due to having the two teeth out, and he was but now all sorted. Phew, glad I do these checks as routine.
Then time catch up with LO, take the champ for her walk (Loopie, Waggerland Whoosh of Nedlo, now 15 years old, and to me she is simply the Champ) have takeaway and hit the garden centres. Oh it was sure good to be in Hampshire for a lovely weekend, even if it was a bit of a blur.
It's been so long!!
1 year ago
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